What you have done for my son and my family is beyond love. Perhaps you will never know how many years I prayed that Derek could find a mentor. It was always “now” that I wanted it. God wanted it in His time. I wanted and prayed for one mentor. God gave Derek all of you. The number is not count-less, but it is many. All of you have separate gifts and talents that you share with the boys. You all have different insights and personal attributes to share. When I think of you and camp, I remember what an awesome God loves us and I remember who I was thinking in human terms by asking for just one mentor for Derek. In spite of my impatience and bitterness, God gave Derek all of you.
So you see, thanking you seems so little in comparison for what you have done for him. You very well may have saved his life, saved him from self-hatred, and saved him from not ever seeing what God’s love is.
Lisa-A Camper’s Mother